Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (37 results returned)

#4162, aired 2002-10-08FILE UNDER "H" $400: In 1998 this largest automaker of South Korea acquired a major stake in Kia Motors Hyundai
#4162, aired 2002-10-08FILE UNDER "H" $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew demonstrates.) It's the method I'm using to type a memo... I was never very good hunt-and-peck
#4162, aired 2002-10-08FILE UNDER "H" $1200: It's another name for a filbert hazelnut
#4162, aired 2002-10-08FILE UNDER "H" $1600: Despite a clubfoot, Lord Byron played cricket for this London school in its rivalry match against Eton Harrow
#4162, aired 2002-10-08FILE UNDER "H" $2000: Largely through the efforts of Clive Cussler, this Confederate sub that sank with its crew in 1864 has been recovered C.S.S. Hunley
#3509, aired 1999-12-02FILE UNDER "H" $200: Whether unlawful or justifiable, it's the killing of a human being homicide
#3509, aired 1999-12-02FILE UNDER "H" $400: In the '70s Van McCoy wanted you to "do" this dance the hustle
#3509, aired 1999-12-02FILE UNDER "H" $600: It's the term for the offspring of 2 animals or plants of different species hybrid
#3509, aired 1999-12-02FILE UNDER "H" $800: I kid you not, it's the type of character seen here: harlequin
#3509, aired 1999-12-02FILE UNDER "H" $1000: Greek for "the many", it means the common people or the masses hoi polloi
#3398, aired 1999-05-19FILE UNDER "H" $200: It's something called a mouth organ harmonica
#3398, aired 1999-05-19FILE UNDER "H" $400: In 1997 the comet Hale-Bopp soared through our skies & this group soared up the charts with "Mmmbop" Hanson
#3398, aired 1999-05-19FILE UNDER "H" $600: A little over 5 feet tall & weighing up to 8,000 pounds, this hoofed mammal spends its days in the water hippopotamus
#3398, aired 1999-05-19FILE UNDER "H" $800: Kanchenjunga, Annapurna I & Nanga Parbat are peaks in this mountain range the Himalayas
#3398, aired 1999-05-19FILE UNDER "H" $1000: '50s TV puppet that's the subject of a 1999 custody battle between the D.I.A. & its owner's heirs Howdy Doody
#3110, aired 1998-02-20FILE UNDER "H" $200: "Yankee Doodle" pudding that sounds like it would go well with quick bread for an instant breakfast Hasty pudding
#3110, aired 1998-02-20FILE UNDER "H" $400: Rumor has it, this evidence is not based on a witness' firsthand knowledge Hearsay
#3110, aired 1998-02-20FILE UNDER "H" $600: This science can be divided into pomology, olericulture & floriculture Horticulture
#3110, aired 1998-02-20FILE UNDER "H" $800: Name shared by the mayor of Minneapolis in 1947 & the attorney general of Minnesota in 1997 Hubert Humphrey
#3110, aired 1998-02-20FILE UNDER "H" $1000: Tubby the Tuba's cousins might be Sammy the Sousaphone & Harry the this kind of horn Helicon
#2629, aired 1996-01-25FILE UNDER "H" $200: Only 2 inches long, the smallest bird is a species of this Hummingbird
#2629, aired 1996-01-25FILE UNDER "H" $1000: One of Ireland's national pastimes is this stick & ball game similar to field hockey Hurling
#2488, aired 1995-05-31FILE UNDER "H" $100: The Jivaro Indians of Ecuador are famous for making shrunken ones of these heads
#2488, aired 1995-05-31FILE UNDER "H" $200: An opening in the deck of a ship, or to come out of a shell hatch
#2488, aired 1995-05-31FILE UNDER "H" $300: Word game to play at a necktie party hangman
#2488, aired 1995-05-31FILE UNDER "H" $400: It's about 5 feet tall, weighs about 4 tons & is related to the pig a hippopotamus
#2488, aired 1995-05-31FILE UNDER "H" $500: Popular name of the sect brought to the U.S. in the 1960s by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Hare Krishna
#2162, aired 1994-01-18FILE UNDER "H" $100: Someone who speaks nonsense is said to be "talking through" this fashion accessory his hat
#2162, aired 1994-01-18FILE UNDER "H" $200: This "canine" term means to pursue relentlessly, like a hunting dog to hound
#2162, aired 1994-01-18FILE UNDER "H" $300: In England this kind of "tea" is a substantial meal, served around 6 o'clock high tea
#2162, aired 1994-01-18FILE UNDER "H" $400: This Central American country has no active volcanoes, though its neighbors do Honduras
#2162, aired 1994-01-18FILE UNDER "H" $500: This word that refers to affected dramatic behavior is of Etruscan origin histrionic
#1985, aired 1993-04-02FILE UNDER "H" $200: This part of a hog's hind leg that includes the hip, thigh & knee may be cured a ham
#1985, aired 1993-04-02FILE UNDER "H" $400: This high school subject deals with day-to-day living: food & nutrition, child care, etc. home economics
#1985, aired 1993-04-02FILE UNDER "H" $600: This kids' game starts with a player throwing her puck into the number 1 section hopscotch
#1985, aired 1993-04-02FILE UNDER "H" $800: Robert A. Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" won this award for 1962 the Hugo
#1985, aired 1993-04-02FILE UNDER "H" $1000: The only branch of this presidential library is in West Branch, Iowa the Hoover Library

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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