Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9248, aired 2025-01-15FIDDLIN' AROUND $400: Sappy trails! The sugar type of this tree is used to make the backs of violins maple
#9248, aired 2025-01-15FIDDLIN' AROUND $800: The Messiah, made in 1716, is one of these violins; it's worth an estimated $20 million & is on display in Oxford's Ashmolean Museum a Stradivarius
#9248, aired 2025-01-15FIDDLIN' AROUND $1200: In a 1979 hit a human soul is put up against a fiddle of gold when Johnny takes on the devil, visiting this state Georgia
#9248, aired 2025-01-15FIDDLIN' AROUND $1,800 (Daily Double): You need violins to represent this human part of a 1936 Prokofiev title duo Peter
#9248, aired 2025-01-15FIDDLIN' AROUND $2000: The Oscar-winning score of "Schindler's List" featured solo violin work from this Tel Aviv born man (Itzhak) Perlman

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