Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9218, aired 2024-12-04FAST FASHION $200: The H that begins this brand's short name was originally Hennes, Swedish for "Hers"; ABBA member Anni-Frid was a face of it in the '70s H&M
#9218, aired 2024-12-04FAST FASHION $400: If you say this retailer has lured big fashion names starting with Isaac Mizrahi to its "Design for All" collabs, bull's-eye! Target
#9218, aired 2024-12-04FAST FASHION $600: The 1989 story that coined "fast fashion" profiled Express, the first specialty brand from this Ohio company, once LTD on the NYSE Limited
#9218, aired 2024-12-04FAST FASHION $1,000 (Daily Double): Kanye West has a lyric about girls who "rock" this fashion brand "but just turned 30" Forever 21
#9218, aired 2024-12-04FAST FASHION $1000: One of the pioneers of fast fashion is this end-of-the-alphabet chain, perennially listed among Spain's most valuable brands Zara

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