Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9251, aired 2025-01-20 | FARM TOOLS & MACHINERY $200: Nebraskans may know it's a machine intended for the operator-free removal of leaves & hairs from cobs a (corn) husker |
#9251, aired 2025-01-20 | FARM TOOLS & MACHINERY $400: Used worldwide, like against locusts in Africa, it's an aircraft employed for spraying pesticide over large acreages a crop duster |
#9251, aired 2025-01-20 | FARM TOOLS & MACHINERY $600: This machine is used to gather & compress hay, straw or corn stalks into round or rectangular shapes a baler |
#9251, aired 2025-01-20 | FARM TOOLS & MACHINERY $800: This type of silo with a conveyor belt to take grain up to the top level is mentioned in the first paragraph of "O Pioneers!" a grain elevator |
#9251, aired 2025-01-20 | FARM TOOLS & MACHINERY $1000: Often used for foraged plants this tractor attachment bores down & inserts seeds into soil with minimal disturbance a seed drill |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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