Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8968, aired 2023-11-08FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $200: Sir, your 1704 book "Opticks" laid the foundation for the science of spectrum analysis! You totally rock! Newton
#8968, aired 2023-11-08FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $400: That translucent pink egg you made is amazing! I think that will sell for $18.5 million at a 2007 auction at Christie's one day! Fabergé
#8968, aired 2023-11-08FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $600: Loved your Mar. 4, 1841 speech, despite the weather! 1 hour, 45 minutes of awesome! Now it's clear skies for your presidency! William Henry Harrison
#8968, aired 2023-11-08FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $1000: You got the Eastern Roman Empire to pay a ton of gold per year! Will you speak to our "Scourge of God" fan club? Attila the Hun
#8968, aired 2023-11-08FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $3,200 (Daily Double): Will you sign my copy of the "Domesday Book" you commissioned, my king? It's a first edition from 1086 William the Conqueror
#6447, aired 2012-10-02FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $200: Even when you were el dictador of Peru in 1825, we still said viva el libertador! (Simón) Bolívar
#6447, aired 2012-10-02FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $400: Sir, your 1704 book "Opticks" laid the foundation for the science of spectrum analysis! You totally rock! (Sir Isaac) Newton
#6447, aired 2012-10-02FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $600: Loved your Mar. 4, 1841 speech, despite the weather! 1 hour, 45 minutes of awesome! Now it's clear skies for your presidency! William Henry Harrison
#6447, aired 2012-10-02FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $800: Will you sign my copy of the "Domesday Book" you commissioned, my king? It's a first edition from 1086! William the Conqueror
#6447, aired 2012-10-02FAN MAIL TO HISTORIC FIGURES $1000: You got the Eastern Roman Empire to pay a ton of gold per year! Will you speak to our "Scourge of God" fan club? Attila the Hun

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