Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8000, aired 2019-05-24FAMOUS LEFTIES $200: He uses his left hand to write checks to the charitable foundation named for him & wife Melinda Bill Gates
#8000, aired 2019-05-24FAMOUS LEFTIES $400: He played the classic bass lines for "Michelle" & "Paperback Writer" as a lefty Paul McCartney
#8000, aired 2019-05-24FAMOUS LEFTIES $600: Steve Young used his left hand to toss 6 TD passes in this team's 1995 Super Bowl rout of the Chargers the 49ers
#8000, aired 2019-05-24FAMOUS LEFTIES $800: She used her left hand to point while saying, "You get a car! You get a car!" Oprah Winfrey
#8000, aired 2019-05-24FAMOUS LEFTIES $1000: This artist famed for his "impossible constructions" like "Ascending and Descending" constructed them as a lefty M.C. Escher
#7580, aired 2017-07-21FAMOUS LEFTIES $200: Ask this singer why she's left-handed & she might quote her song, "I was born this way" Lady Gaga
#7580, aired 2017-07-21FAMOUS LEFTIES $400: This lefty looks quite intense as he vetoes the bill before him Gerald Ford
#7580, aired 2017-07-21FAMOUS LEFTIES $600: In 1993 this southpaw became only the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court Ginsburg
#7580, aired 2017-07-21FAMOUS LEFTIES $800: Though he's actually right-handed, this Spanish tennis champ plays with his left Rafa Nadal
#7580, aired 2017-07-21FAMOUS LEFTIES $1000: Sarah Paulson said the hardest part about portraying this O.J. prosecutor was writing with her left hand Marcia Clark

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