Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#4206, aired 2002-12-09FAMOUS JOHNS $400: Elected in 1986, this Arizona senator was born in the Panama Canal Zone John McCain
#4206, aired 2002-12-09FAMOUS JOHNS $800: This man's "Liberty Bell March" was used as the theme song for "Monty Python's Flying Circus" John Philip Sousa
#4206, aired 2002-12-09FAMOUS JOHNS $1200: In 1889 this man, "The Boston Strong Boy", KO'd Jake Kilrain after 75 rounds John L. Sullivan
#4206, aired 2002-12-09FAMOUS JOHNS $1600: His powerful literary chronicles include "North and South", "Love and War" & "Heaven and Hell" John Jakes
#4206, aired 2002-12-09FAMOUS JOHNS $2000: When he ran for president as an independent in 1980, his running mate was Patrick Lucey John Anderson
#1732, aired 1992-02-25FAMOUS JOHNS $100: In 1804 this ornithologist became the first known person to band birds John Audubon
#1732, aired 1992-02-25FAMOUS JOHNS $200: From 1735-37 this founder of Methodism was a missionary to the American colony of Georgia John Wesley
#1732, aired 1992-02-25FAMOUS JOHNS $300: In 1736 this New York Weekly Journal publisher printed an account of his freedom of the press trial John Peter Zenger
#1732, aired 1992-02-25FAMOUS JOHNS $400: Middle name of crime fighter John Hoover Edgar
#1732, aired 1992-02-25FAMOUS JOHNS $500: This 10th U.S. Pres. was elected to the Confederate House of Reps. but died before taking office John Tyler

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