Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#272, aired 1985-09-24FAMOUS DUCKS $100: Groucho's duck gave you $100 if you did this say the secret word
#272, aired 1985-09-24FAMOUS DUCKS $200: Sparkling wine, usually a mixture of champagne & sparkling burgundy cold duck
#272, aired 1985-09-24FAMOUS DUCKS $400: Teams from this PAC 10 school are nicknamed the "Ducks" Oregon
#272, aired 1985-09-24FAMOUS DUCKS $500: '30s comic who asked, "Wanna buy a duck?" Joe Penner
#272, aired 1985-09-24FAMOUS DUCKS $2,100 (Daily Double): He usually ended his '60s TV show with song about a duck: Mitch Miller

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