Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8032, aired 2019-07-09FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $200: Secretary of State 2005-2009, she was named to the college football playoff selection committee in 2013 Condoleezza Rice
#8032, aired 2019-07-09FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $400: In the early 1920s she toured the vaudeville circuit where she told her life story translated by Anne Sullivan Helen Keller
#8032, aired 2019-07-09FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $600: In 2016, this animal expert & autism spokesperson was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Temple Grandin
#8032, aired 2019-07-09FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $800: In 1777 the Pennsylvania State Navy Board paid her for making "ship's colours, &c" Betsy Ross
#8032, aired 2019-07-09FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $1000: In addition to owning the company, she was the publisher of the Watergate-era Washington Post Katharine Graham
#7495, aired 2017-03-24FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $400: In 2016, 40 years after she became a "Today" show regular, she became the new host of CBS' "Sunday Morning" Jane Pauley
#7495, aired 2017-03-24FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $800: In 1889 journalist Nellie Bly tried to beat the record of Phileas Fogg in this novel & did, by more than a week Around the World in Eighty Days
#7495, aired 2017-03-24FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $1200: This historian wrote the memoir "Wait Till Next Year" about her childhood as Brooklyn Dodgers fan Doris Kearns Doris Kearns Goodwin
#7495, aired 2017-03-24FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $2,000 (Daily Double): After the Battle of Cedar Mountain in 1862, a surgeon wrote, "If heaven ever sent out a(n)...angel," she "must be one" Clara Barton
#7495, aired 2017-03-24FAMOUS AMERICAN WOMEN $2000: This New York-born Supreme Court justice was the first female U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan

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