Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#1859, aired 1992-10-08 | FAMOUS ACTORS $100: This "Dances with Wolves" star's first film was "Sizzle Beach, U.S.A." made years before its 1986 release Kevin Costner |
#1859, aired 1992-10-08 | FAMOUS ACTORS $200: This actor did much of his own stunt driving as Popeye Doyle in "The French Connection" Gene Hackman |
#1859, aired 1992-10-08 | FAMOUS ACTORS $300: A biography of this actor was entitled "Heart to Heart", not "Hart to Hart", H-A-R-T Robert Wagner |
#1859, aired 1992-10-08 | FAMOUS ACTORS $400: In 1971, this "Bonanza" star received the Order of Canada Lorne Greene |
#1859, aired 1992-10-08 | FAMOUS ACTORS $500: At age 61, this character actor made his film debut as Kasper Gutman in "The Maltese Falcon" Sydney Greenstreet |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)
#5749, aired 2009-09-17 | FAMOUS ACTORS: Ironically, he lost the leading role in the 1960 play "The Best Man" because he didn't look presidential Ronald Reagan |
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