Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8955, aired 2023-10-20FAMILY DRAMA $400: His "All My Sons" centers on Joe Keller, whose shoddy plane parts led to the death of his son & other pilots in WWII Arthur Miller
#8955, aired 2023-10-20FAMILY DRAMA $800: The Pollitts get together to celebrate Big Daddy's 65th birthday in this play; family drama ensues Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
#8955, aired 2023-10-20FAMILY DRAMA $1200: In an August Wilson play, Troy Maxson builds these title structures around the family home fences
#8955, aired 2023-10-20FAMILY DRAMA $2000: This "vulpine" Lillian Hellman play set in 1900 sees southern gentility fall prey to greed & revenge The Little Foxes
#8955, aired 2023-10-20FAMILY DRAMA $3,000 (Daily Double): The title character of this Ibsen play is revolted to discover she's pregnant & commits suicide with her father's pistol Hedda Gabler
#5838, aired 2010-01-20FAMILY DRAMA $400: His "All My Sons" centers on Joe Keller, whose shoddy plane parts led to the death of his son & other pilots in WWII Arthur Miller
#5838, aired 2010-01-20FAMILY DRAMA $800: The title character of this Ibsen play is revolted to discover she's pregnant & commits suicide with her father's pistol Hedda Gabler
#5838, aired 2010-01-20FAMILY DRAMA $1200: The Pollitts get together to celebrate Big Daddy's 65th birthday in this play; family drama ensues Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
#5838, aired 2010-01-20FAMILY DRAMA $1600: This Lorraine Hansberry play focuses on the Younger family & the drama of buying a new house A Raisin in the Sun
#5838, aired 2010-01-20FAMILY DRAMA $2000: In an August Wilson play, Troy Maxson builds these title structures around the family home Fences

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