Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3403, aired 1999-05-26FAIRY TALE FEMMES $100: One of the few times she laughs in Wonderland is when she has to use a flamingo to play croquet Alice
#3403, aired 1999-05-26FAIRY TALE FEMMES $200: She ate the window pane of the witch's cottage Gretel
#3403, aired 1999-05-26FAIRY TALE FEMMES $300: She would have been popular in the '60s; she was always letting her hair down Rapunzel
#3403, aired 1999-05-26FAIRY TALE FEMMES $400: The Brothers Grimm gave no name for the miller's daughter who guessed the name of this little man Rumpelstiltskin
#3403, aired 1999-05-26FAIRY TALE FEMMES $500: He wrote a little about women: "The Little Match Girl", "The Little Mermaid"... Hans Christian Andersen

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