Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#5209, aired 2007-04-12EYE ON ASIA $200: Its national anthem includes the line "With our flesh and blood, let us build our new great wall" China
#5209, aired 2007-04-12EYE ON ASIA $400: The most heavily fortified border in the world is between these 2 small Asian countries North & South Korea
#5209, aired 2007-04-12EYE ON ASIA $600: The Globe & the Almaty Herald are the almighty newspapers in this largest Asian "stan" Kazakhstan
#5209, aired 2007-04-12EYE ON ASIA $800: Some think the floor of what's now the Arafura Sea was once a land bridge between Asia & this continent Australia
#5209, aired 2007-04-12EYE ON ASIA $1000: In 2006 Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was deposed in a bloodless coup in this Asian nation Thailand
#4136, aired 2002-09-02EYE ON ASIA $400: On Dec. 13, 1937 Japan took over the city of Nanking in this Asian country after heavy fighting China
#4136, aired 2002-09-02EYE ON ASIA $800: Asian action star Zhou Run Fa is better known by this name in the West Chow Yun Fat
#4136, aired 2002-09-02EYE ON ASIA $1200: This important Asian political & business "association" is abbreviated ASEAN the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
#4136, aired 2002-09-02EYE ON ASIA $1600: Keep "tabs" on this South Asian percussion instrument heard here the tabla
#4136, aired 2002-09-02EYE ON ASIA $2000: Built in Asia in the 1930s as a military supply route, this "Road" stretches from Kunming to Lashio the Burma Road
#3910, aired 2001-09-07EYE ON ASIA $200: In 1996 East Timorese activists Carlos Belo & Jose Ramos-Horta won this international prize the Nobel Peace Prize
#3910, aired 2001-09-07EYE ON ASIA $400: Begun in the 600s, the Potala Palace in Lhasa is the traditional home of this religious leader the Dalai Lama
#3910, aired 2001-09-07EYE ON ASIA $600: Seen here, he involuntarily moved to Taiwan in 1949 Chiang Kai-shek
#3910, aired 2001-09-07EYE ON ASIA $1000: Outlawed in 1829, this fiery Hindu funereal practice commemorated the death of one of the god Shiva's wives sati
#3910, aired 2001-09-07EYE ON ASIA $2,500 (Daily Double): At 20,000 feet, the world's highest battleground is the Siachen Glacier on the border between these 2 countries India & Pakistan

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