Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6088, aired 2011-02-16EU, THE EUROPEAN UNION $200: Each year the EU selects capitals of culture; one of the 2010 cities was this Turkish "meeting place of cultures" Istanbul
#6088, aired 2011-02-16EU, THE EUROPEAN UNION $400: The Schengen Agreement removes any controls at these between most EU neighbors national borders
#6088, aired 2011-02-16EU, THE EUROPEAN UNION $600: A controversial EU subsidy program is called CAP, short for "Common" this "Policy" Agricultural
#6088, aired 2011-02-16EU, THE EUROPEAN UNION $800: Elected every 5 years, it has 736 members from 7 parties Parliament
#6088, aired 2011-02-16EU, THE EUROPEAN UNION $1000: As of 2010, Croatia & Macedonia are candidates but this is the only former Yugoslav republic in the EU Slovenia

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