Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7169, aired 2015-11-12 | ENTERTAINING UNCLES $200: On this series, cousins Bo & Luke got advice from their wise Uncle Jesse The Dukes of Hazzard |
#7169, aired 2015-11-12 | ENTERTAINING UNCLES $400: You can't forget TV's other Uncle Jesse, played by this man on "Full House" (John) Stamos |
#7169, aired 2015-11-12 | ENTERTAINING UNCLES $600: Of course you recognize Len Lesser as cranky Uncle Leo from this series Seinfeld |
#7169, aired 2015-11-12 | ENTERTAINING UNCLES $800: Some uncles are warm & fuzzy, & some are this uncle who ordered a hit on his nephew Tony Soprano Uncle Junior |
#7169, aired 2015-11-12 | ENTERTAINING UNCLES $1000: Some uncles are warm & fuzzy, & some are this uncle who locked Harry Potter into a cupboard under the stairs (Vernon) Dursley |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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