Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3437, aired 1999-07-13 | ENGLISH SOVEREIGNS $200: 1 of the 2 in 1901 Queen Victoria or Edward VII |
#3437, aired 1999-07-13 | ENGLISH SOVEREIGNS $400: 1 of the 3 in 1066 Harold II, Edward the Confessor or William the Conqueror |
#3437, aired 1999-07-13 | ENGLISH SOVEREIGNS $600: 1 of the 2 in 1558 Elizabeth I or Mary I ("Bloody Mary") |
#3437, aired 1999-07-13 | ENGLISH SOVEREIGNS $800: 1 of the 2 in 1760 George II or George III |
#3437, aired 1999-07-13 | ENGLISH SOVEREIGNS $1000: 1 of the 3 in 1936 George V, Edward VIII or George VI |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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