Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8877, aired 2023-05-23ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $400: As a noun, it helps keep your hair in check; as a verb, it means to exhaustively search comb
#8877, aired 2023-05-23ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $800: To give way gradually to injuries or despair succumb
#8877, aired 2023-05-23ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $1200: This French word means a takeover of the government; the longer phrase it comes from also ends with a silent letter a coup
#8877, aired 2023-05-23ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $1600: You & I have such a good this, meaning a close connection & understanding rapport
#8877, aired 2023-05-23ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $2000: A compote involves slow-cooked fruit & syrup while this sauce seen here has been pureed & strained a coulis
#8534, aired 2021-12-16ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $200: Of the Earth's seasons, this one fits the category autumn
#8534, aired 2021-12-16ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $400: A sepulcher for one tomb
#8534, aired 2021-12-16ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $600: The 17th century painting seen here depicts Anthonij de Bordes & his this whose name is not given his valet
#8534, aired 2021-12-16ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $800: When it precedes "oath", this serious word refers to a legal agreement solemn
#8534, aired 2021-12-16ENDS WITH A SILENT CONSONANT $1000: Now an adjective for the middle class, it originally referred to someone from a French borough bourgeois

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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