Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9246, aired 2025-01-13ENDS IN "UE" $400: Mark your calendar--August 15 is the day to celebrate this type of lemon pie meringue
#9246, aired 2025-01-13ENDS IN "UE" $800: Claudio Monteverdi was the first great composer of opera & an early master of this musical style that began in the 1600s Baroque
#9246, aired 2025-01-13ENDS IN "UE" $1200: In estate planning this word refers to a person's lineal descendants your issue
#9246, aired 2025-01-13ENDS IN "UE" $1600: In antiquity, a slave escorting kids to school was called this, from Greek for "child" & "lead"; now it means a dogmatic teacher a pedagogue
#9246, aired 2025-01-13ENDS IN "UE" $2000: Remove an "R" from a word meaning to squabble to get this old term for malaria & the feverish symptoms that accompany it ague

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