Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#7845, aired 2018-10-19ENDS IN "U" $400: Varaha the boar is the third of this Hindu god's many avatars Vishnu
#7845, aired 2018-10-19ENDS IN "U" $800: If you see this puffer fish on a Japanese menu, you should make sure the chef is licensed--your life is at stake fugu
#7845, aired 2018-10-19ENDS IN "U" $1200: It's the literal baggage a bride brings to a marriage a trousseau
#7845, aired 2018-10-19ENDS IN "U" $1600: The bulk of the action in "Black Hawk Down" takes place in this African city Mogadishu
#7845, aired 2018-10-19ENDS IN "U" $2000: In "Dracula" Van Helsing says, "You would in time...have become" this creature "as they call it in eastern Europe" Nosferatu
#5338, aired 2007-11-21ENDS IN "U" $200: Both Roy Orbison & Linda Ronstadt sang about a "blue" one a bayou
#5338, aired 2007-11-21ENDS IN "U" $400: A personal spiritual leader in Hinduism, or a recognized leader in a field a guru
#5338, aired 2007-11-21ENDS IN "U" $600: From the Old French for "bundle", it's the bundle of clothing & linens a bride collects for her marriage a trousseau
#5338, aired 2007-11-21ENDS IN "U" $800: This world capital is located about 180 miles southeast of Miami Nassau
#5338, aired 2007-11-21ENDS IN "U" $1000: These Bantu-speaking people make up the largest language group in the Republic of South Africa the Zulu
#3456, aired 1999-09-20ENDS IN "U" $100: This outdoor Hawaiian feast often features a roast pig a luau
#3456, aired 1999-09-20ENDS IN "U" $200: From the Latin for "castle", it's a French castle or manor house chateau
#3456, aired 1999-09-20ENDS IN "U" $300: Off-the-cuff, without preparation, such as a speech impromptu
#3456, aired 1999-09-20ENDS IN "U" $400: In 1932 Australia tried to eradicate this large flightless bird by using machine guns -- didn't work the emu
#3456, aired 1999-09-20ENDS IN "U" $500: This stubby yellow-green winter pear has a blander taste than most other varieties Anjou

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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