Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9225, aired 2024-12-13EMMY-WINNING TELEVISION MOVIES: REAL LIFE EDITION $400: The political drama "Recount" chronicled the tumultuous aftermath of the vote in Florida in this year 2000
#9225, aired 2024-12-13EMMY-WINNING TELEVISION MOVIES: REAL LIFE EDITION $800: Taking its title from one of his books, "The Gathering Storm" looked at this prime minister's life just before WWII Winston Churchill
#9225, aired 2024-12-13EMMY-WINNING TELEVISION MOVIES: REAL LIFE EDITION $1200: The makers of 2023 winner "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story" knew this Brit was right when he asked what kind of accordion to buy Daniel Radcliffe
#9225, aired 2024-12-13EMMY-WINNING TELEVISION MOVIES: REAL LIFE EDITION $1600: "Girl meets cow" is how she described "Temple Grandin", in which she won an Emmy for playing the animal rights activist Claire Danes
#9225, aired 2024-12-13EMMY-WINNING TELEVISION MOVIES: REAL LIFE EDITION $2,500 (Daily Double): This 1979 winner with an alliterative title tells of Michael Mullen, killed accidentally in Vietnam by his own side Friendly Fire

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