Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6762, aired 2014-01-28EMMY M.D.s $200: In 1982 he "M*A*S*H"-ed the competition & won Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy series Alan Alda
#6762, aired 2014-01-28EMMY M.D.s $400: As Dr. Izzie Stevens on "Grey's Anatomy", she saw dead people along with a 2007 Emmy win (Katherine) Heigl
#6762, aired 2014-01-28EMMY M.D.s $600: There was no conspiracy against Gillian Anderson, who took home a trophy for her FBI & medical work on this TV series The X-Files
#6762, aired 2014-01-28EMMY M.D.s $800: 2010's Lead Actor in a Miniseries or Movie went to Al Pacino for "You Don't Know Jack", about this controversial Doc Kevorkian
#6762, aired 2014-01-28EMMY M.D.s $1000: In 1998 Christine Lahti wasn't in the bathroom when she won as Dr. Austin on this Ill.-set show (unlike the Golden Globes) Chicago Hope

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