Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (30 results returned)

#7926, aired 2019-02-11EMERALD $200: Dorothy & her companions, even Toto, wear special glasses to enter here the Emerald City
#7926, aired 2019-02-11EMERALD $400: Montserrat is known as the "Emerald Isle" of this sea the Caribbean
#7926, aired 2019-02-11EMERALD $600: "Emerald Dawn" is a graphic novel fittingly featuring this ring-bearing D.C. superhero the Green Lantern
#7926, aired 2019-02-11EMERALD $800: Not actually made of the gem, the statue seen here in a Bangkok temple is called the "Emerald" him Buddha
#7926, aired 2019-02-11EMERALD $1000: Emerald Downs is a lovely one of these in Auburn, Washington a racetrack
#7023, aired 2015-03-11THE EMERALD AISLE $400: One of this country's big attractions, the "Emerald Buddha" was in a Chiang Mai temple before it went to the capital Thailand
#7023, aired 2015-03-11THE EMERALD AISLE $800: Green Lake Park is one reason "The Emerald City" is a nickname for this West Coast city Seattle
#7023, aired 2015-03-11THE EMERALD AISLE $1200: The emerald is an appropriate birthstone for this author who created an emerald city of literature Frank Baum
#7023, aired 2015-03-11THE EMERALD AISLE $1600: Since the arrival of the conquistadors, this South American country has been the mecca for emeralds Colombia
#7023, aired 2015-03-11THE EMERALD AISLE $2000: The firm formed when he married Estelle Arpels created a 150-carat engraved emerald for the Shah's wife Van Cleef
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD ISLE $200: With more than 500,000 inhabitants, it's Ireland's most populous city Dublin
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD AISLE $400: John Boorman's man-returns-to-the-jungle film "The Emerald Forest" takes place mostly in this S.A. country Brazil
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD ISLE $400: No surprise--at 88%, it's the most practiced religion in the Republic of Ireland Catholic
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD ISLE $600: 6 counties in Ulster make up this political unit Northern Ireland
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD AISLE $800: Emerald is the birthstone for this month May
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD ISLE $800: The 2 official languages of the Republic of Ireland are English & this one, also known as Irish Gaelic
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD ISLE $1000: In 2008 he announced he'd step down after 11 years as Ireland's prime minister Bertie Ahern
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD AISLE $1200: In the 1940s, this superhero's abilities came from a ring that was fashioned from an emerald lamp the Green Lantern
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD AISLE $1600: Roll out this--emerald is the green variety of it; aquamarine is the blue-green variety beryl
#5507, aired 2008-07-15THE EMERALD AISLE $2000: The hardness of emeralds ranges from 7.5 to 8 on this scale Mohs
#4582, aired 2004-07-06THE EMERALD ISLE $400: It's the only Irish city with a population above 500,000 Dublin
#4582, aired 2004-07-06THE EMERALD ISLE $800: It's the one-word term for the traditional 6 counties known as Northern Ireland Ulster
#4582, aired 2004-07-06THE EMERALD ISLE $1200: This U.S. president visited his family's ancestral village of Ballyporeen in 1984 Reagan
#4582, aired 2004-07-06THE EMERALD ISLE $1600: This Irish port city on the River Suir is world famous for its crystal Waterford
#4582, aired 2004-07-06THE EMERALD ISLE $2,000 (Daily Double): At about 230 miles, it's not only the longest river in Ireland, it's the longest in the British Isles the River Shannon
#2914, aired 1997-04-10THE EMERALD ISLE $200: Birnbaum's says there are over 10,000 of these in Ireland & 2,000 more in the north, a lot to "crawl" through Pubs
#2914, aired 1997-04-10THE EMERALD ISLE $400: Handel's "Messiah" had its premiere in this city that held its millennium celebration in 1988 Dublin
#2914, aired 1997-04-10THE EMERALD ISLE $800: Most tourists come to this city to tour its glassworks; the original factory was founded in 1783 Waterford
#2914, aired 1997-04-10THE EMERALD ISLE $1000: There's a cycle of stories from this ancient province that includes tales of heroes like Cu Chulainn Ulster
#2914, aired 1997-04-10THE EMERALD ISLE $2,400 (Daily Double): 3rd-largest city in Eire/Of its sites we never tire/Just walk around/& you'll be bound/To see it in its entire Limerick

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