Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (23 results returned)

#3, aired 2023-05-09EDITORS $400: Graydon Carter gave props to Annie Leibovitz' photos that ran with celeb profiles in summing up 25 years editing this magazine Vanity Fair
#3, aired 2023-05-09EDITORS $800: On Oscar night 2016 Walter Robinson, an editor at this newspaper, hung with Michael Keaton, who played Walter in "Spotlight" The Boston Globe
#3, aired 2023-05-09EDITORS $1200: The documentary "Turn Every Page" is about the bond of editor Robert Gottlieb & this man working on an epic political biography Caro
#3, aired 2023-05-09EDITORS $1600: This urbane writer was a co-founder of the Paris Review & its first editor Plimpton
#3, aired 2023-05-09EDITORS $2000: In 2016 a team of scientists at this La Jolla, California institute said they used gene editing to give sight to blind rodents the Salk Institute
#6302, aired 2012-01-31EDITORS $400: Maria Guarnaschelli brought some work home as editor of "The Splendid Table" & "Joy of" this Cooking
#6302, aired 2012-01-31EDITORS $800: In November 2010 Tina Brown was announced as the editor-in-chief of this current events magazine founded in 1933 Newsweek
#6302, aired 2012-01-31EDITORS $1200: The long of it is that he has been the editor of the crossword puzzles for The New York Times since 1993 (Will) Shortz
#6302, aired 2012-01-31EDITORS $2000: As fiction editor at Esquire from 1969 to 1976, Gordon Lish promoted this "scaled-down" style of writing minimalism
#6302, aired 2012-01-31EDITORS $2,500 (Daily Double): John Updike said, "A lot of nice touches in my stories" in this magazine "belong to" editor William Maxwell The New Yorker
#4159, aired 2002-10-03EDITORS' CHOICES $200: Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2001 was this "Tower of Strength" Rudolph Giuliani
#4159, aired 2002-10-03EDITORS' CHOICES $400: The editors of People Magazine found no one worthy of this title for 1994; Brad Pitt got it in 1995 "People's Sexiest Man Alive"
#4159, aired 2002-10-03EDITORS' CHOICES $600: The editors of the 2002 World Almanac chose this man as "The Most Obscure U.S. President" Millard Fillmore
#4159, aired 2002-10-03EDITORS' CHOICES $800: Motor Trend's choice for 2002 Truck of the Year fell on this Chevy Avalanche
#4159, aired 2002-10-03EDITORS' CHOICES $1000: Former Miss USA & star of "Mulholland Dr." who is one of Esquire's "Women We Love" Laura Harring
#3242, aired 1998-10-13GUEST EDITORS $200: This Tibetan's resume includes: 1992 - Guest Editor, French Vogue; 1989 - Nobel Peace Prize Dalai Lama
#3242, aired 1998-10-13GUEST EDITORS $800: For its Christmas 1993 issue, French Vogue tapped this South African leader to guest edit Nelson Mandela
#3242, aired 1998-10-13GUEST EDITORS $1000: The October 1996 issue of England's Prima was edited by this prime minister's wife, Cherie Tony Blair
#2697, aired 1996-04-30FAMOUS EDITORS $200: In 1835 this "Raven" poet became editor of the Southern Literary Messenger Edgar Allan Poe
#2697, aired 1996-04-30FAMOUS EDITORS $400: His "The Old Curiosity Shop" was serialized in "Master Humphrey's Clock", which he edited Charles Dickens
#2697, aired 1996-04-30FAMOUS EDITORS $600: In 1969 this Cosmopolitan editor published her "Single Girl's Cookbook" Helen Gurley Brown
#2697, aired 1996-04-30FAMOUS EDITORS $800: In 1968 he was promoted from managing editor to executive editor of the Washington Post Ben Bradlee
#2697, aired 1996-04-30FAMOUS EDITORS $1000: This Omaha World-Herald editor was the Democratic candidate for president in 1896, 1900 & 1908 William Jennings Bryan

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