Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5335, aired 2007-11-16ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD $200: The 21st century has seen this communist island nation turn from sugar to tourism & biotechnology Cuba
#5335, aired 2007-11-16ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD $400: This country is the largest producer of newsprint & is also big in wheat, but fur trapping has dropped off Canada
#5335, aired 2007-11-16ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD $600: This country's GDP is growing about 10% a year & in 2004, says the World Bank, contributed 1/3 of world growth China
#5335, aired 2007-11-16ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD $800: Ravaged by war, in 2002 this country became the world's largest supplier of opium Afghanistan
#5335, aired 2007-11-16ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD $1000: Due to the policies of Robert Mugabe, 4000% inflation has struck this African country Zimbabwe

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