Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)

#8593, aired 2022-03-09DYNASTIES OF CHINA $500 (Daily Double): Living during a time of conflict in the Zhou dynasty gave Sun Tzu plenty of material to write this treatise The Art of War
#8593, aired 2022-03-09DYNASTIES OF CHINA $800: The first recorded dynasty, the Shang, emerged 1600 B.C. & produced works like the Tiger vase, seen here, during this metallic age the Bronze Age
#8593, aired 2022-03-09DYNASTIES OF CHINA $1200: Around 1000 A.D. during the Song dynasty, neo-this ancient philosophy was introduced as official doctrine Confucianism
#8593, aired 2022-03-09DYNASTIES OF CHINA $2000: This 3-letter dynasty ruled from around 200 B.C. to 200 A.D. & saw the invention of paper & the introduction of Buddhism the Han dynasty

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