Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5764, aired 2009-10-08DUTCH & FLEMISH PAINTERS $400: He painted his first major work, "The Potato Eaters", in 1885 while living with his parents in Nuenen Van Gogh
#5764, aired 2009-10-08DUTCH & FLEMISH PAINTERS $1200: In 1632 Charles I gave this Dutch master known for his beard a house in London & a summer residence in Kent Van Dyck
#5764, aired 2009-10-08DUTCH & FLEMISH PAINTERS $1600: As a diplomat in the 1620s, this 3-named artist helped negotiate a treaty between England & Spain Peter Paul Rubens
#5764, aired 2009-10-08DUTCH & FLEMISH PAINTERS $2000: In 1917 this "square" Dutch Neoplasticist founded the art magazine De Stijl (Piet) Mondrian
#5764, aired 2009-10-08DUTCH & FLEMISH PAINTERS $3,000 (Daily Double): His 1653 work "Aristotle with a Bust of Homer" was one of the few sent abroad during his lifetime Rembrandt

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