Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2051, aired 1993-07-05DUTCH BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $200: According to Business Rankings Annual, the Netherlands is the top exporter of cut ones of these to Japan flowers
#2051, aired 1993-07-05DUTCH BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $400: Unilever's history includes Sunlight, the first of this product to be sold in single wrapped bars soap
#2051, aired 1993-07-05DUTCH BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $600: In 1968 this Dutch brewer merged with Amstel Heineken
#2051, aired 1993-07-05DUTCH BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $800: Founded October 7, 1919, it's considered the world's oldest airline KLM
#2051, aired 1993-07-05DUTCH BUSINESS & INDUSTRY $2,000 (Daily Double): This company invented the rotary shaver head & the CD player Phillips

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