Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (8 results returned)
#7251, aired 2016-03-07 | DRINKS ARE ON ME! $200: Stolichinaya, a brand of this alcohol, says it's "The mule that always kicks" vodka |
#7251, aired 2016-03-07 | DRINKS ARE ON ME! $800: This drink of fermented honey & water goes back to Biblical times mead |
#7251, aired 2016-03-07 | DRINKS ARE ON ME! $1000: A beer with a shot of whiskey is called this, also an occupation a boilermaker |
#6026, aired 2010-11-22 | DRINKS ARE ON ME! $200: Ads for this iced tea brand encouraged people to take a backward "plunge" into a pool Nestea |
#6026, aired 2010-11-22 | DRINKS ARE ON ME! $400: In the 1870s a friend told Charles Hires that his root tea would sell better under this name root beer |
#6026, aired 2010-11-22 | DRINKS ARE ON ME! $600: I get hot & thirsty reading clues all day; this is a job for this drink & its pitch-pitcher's cry of "Oh yeah!" Kool-Aid |
#6026, aired 2010-11-22 | DRINKS ARE ON ME! $800: In 1965 the Univ. of Florida football team began using this drink developed by school researchers Gatorade |
#6026, aired 2010-11-22 | DRINKS ARE ON ME! $1000: Vitamin-happy Glaceau also makes this "wise" drink with "purity you can taste, hydration you can feel" Smartwater |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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