Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8137, aired 2020-01-14DRAWING QUITE THE CROWD $200: Giving new meaning to the word "mass", he was the headliner of one held in Manila in 2015 that drew 6 million people Pope Francis
#8137, aired 2020-01-14DRAWING QUITE THE CROWD $400: In 2007 the long-disbanded Rage Against the Machine got together & drew 100,000 at this California festival Coachella
#8137, aired 2020-01-14DRAWING QUITE THE CROWD $600: In 2016 an estimated 1 million people protested in Caracas against this president of Venezuela Maduro
#8137, aired 2020-01-14DRAWING QUITE THE CROWD $800: On April 22, 1990 around 750,000 people hit Central Park to celebrate this annual event Earth Day
#8137, aired 2020-01-14DRAWING QUITE THE CROWD $1000: In 2018 around 1.7 million people trekking from all over the world made this pilgrimage to Mecca the Hajj

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