Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | DOUBLE "R" WORDS $400: A pen for livestock corral |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | DOUBLE "R" WORDS $800: In some places, a couple can get a divorce based on these differences when they can't agree upon much irreconcilable |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | DOUBLE "R" WORDS $1200: This bird of Australia is sometimes called the "bushman's clock", since it's heard early in the morning & at sunset a kookaburra |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | DOUBLE "R" WORDS $1600: From the Latin for "talkative", it can mean given to excessive talk about trivial matters garrulous |
#9119, aired 2024-06-06 | DOUBLE "R" WORDS $2000: The world's leading seaweed extract, it's used in chocolate milk to keep the chocolate in suspension carrageenan |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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