Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#6342, aired 2012-03-27DOUBLE M $200: Combustible flammable
#6342, aired 2012-03-27DOUBLE M $400: If you look closely, I mean, really, really closely, you'll see there are 6, no, make that 7, of these in the clue commas
#6342, aired 2012-03-27DOUBLE M $600: A sale of secondhand items, or to paw through them rummage
#6342, aired 2012-03-27DOUBLE M $800: Not identical on both sides of a central line asymmetrical
#6342, aired 2012-03-27DOUBLE M $1000: "Equine" piece of equipment for male gymnasts a Pommel horse
#78, aired 1984-12-26DOUBLE M $100: Fish called dolphins in the Caribbean; it's called this in Hawaii mahi mahi
#78, aired 1984-12-26DOUBLE M $200: She came of age in Samoa in 1928 Margaret Mead
#78, aired 1984-12-26DOUBLE M $300: French performer who's too good for words Marcel Marceau
#78, aired 1984-12-26DOUBLE M $400: A hodgepodge a mishmash
#78, aired 1984-12-26DOUBLE M $500: This singer should hear how they talk about her Melissa Manchester

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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