Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#6380, aired 2012-05-18 | DOMESTIC AFFAIRS $200: The documentary "Client 9" chronicled "The Rise and Fall of" this New York governor Eliot Spitzer |
#6380, aired 2012-05-18 | DOMESTIC AFFAIRS $400: The initial claim about his affair with Sally Hemings was printed in a Richmond newspaper Thomas Jefferson |
#6380, aired 2012-05-18 | DOMESTIC AFFAIRS $600: Lady Emma Hamilton was this British naval hero's mistress & inherited money from him after he died at Trafalgar Lord Horatio Nelson |
#6380, aired 2012-05-18 | DOMESTIC AFFAIRS $800: Sydney Biddle Barrows, who had a high-class pedigree & ran a high-class sex service, was dubbed this the Mayflower Madam |
#6380, aired 2012-05-18 | DOMESTIC AFFAIRS $1000: In 1745 Louis XV took her as his official mistress; she gave her name to a fabric & a big hairstyle Madame de Pompadour |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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