Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9224, aired 2024-12-12DODGEPODGE $200: Synonyms for dodge include this one courtesy of Latin vadere, "to walk" evade
#9224, aired 2024-12-12DODGEPODGE $400: It's the alliterative phrase for one who chooses to avoid compulsory military service illegally draft dodge(r)
#9224, aired 2024-12-12DODGEPODGE $600: In "Dodgeball", Ben Stiller tells real-life wife Christine Taylor & this actor, "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood" Vince Vaughn
#9224, aired 2024-12-12DODGEPODGE $800: After being assistant marshal, he got out of Dodge (City) in 1879 & headed for Tombstone to join up with family Wyatt Earp
#9224, aired 2024-12-12DODGEPODGE $1000: In 1865 Mary Mapes Dodge opened a literary can of Dutch boy & gave Hans Brinker this title footwear the silver skates

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