Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (25 results returned)

#9161, aired 2024-09-16TRANSLATE THE DOC TALK $400: Myocardial infarction; it's life-threatening a heart attack
#9161, aired 2024-09-16TRANSLATE THE DOC TALK $800: Pyrexia; rest, drink plenty of fluids & take some aspirin, Advil or Tylenol a fever
#9161, aired 2024-09-16TRANSLATE THE DOC TALK $1200: Apoplexy; a dated term for this a stroke
#9161, aired 2024-09-16TRANSLATE THE DOC TALK $2,000 (Daily Double): Cervicalgia; literally, this neck pain
#9161, aired 2024-09-16TRANSLATE THE DOC TALK $2000: Bruxism; it can happen while awake or asleep teeth grinding
#7677, aired 2018-01-16DOC TALK $400: A nevus is one of these you've probably had on your skin your whole life a mole (or a birthmark)
#7677, aired 2018-01-16DOC TALK $800: Memory loss can accompany this condition abbreviated CFS chronic fatigue syndrome
#7677, aired 2018-01-16DOC TALK $1200: Humeral epicondylitis is doc talk for this sports-influenced condition tennis elbow
#7677, aired 2018-01-16DOC TALK $1600: This other name for whooping cough is from the Latin for "coughing" pertussis
#7677, aired 2018-01-16DOC TALK $2,000 (Daily Double): I've got tinea pedis, this condition, so stop calling me a couch potato athlete's foot (or ringworm)
#4597, aired 2004-09-07DOC TALK $400: Myopia is the medical term for this nearsightedness
#4597, aired 2004-09-07DOC TALK $800: This is the common name for a lumbar puncture, used to test for meningitis a spinal tap
#4597, aired 2004-09-07DOC TALK $1600: An LFT tests the function of this organ the liver
#4597, aired 2004-09-07DOC TALK $2000: Minor ailments can be treated by NPs (Nurse-practitioners) & PAs (these) physician assistants
#4597, aired 2004-09-07DOC TALK $3,800 (Daily Double): Properly called the optic disk, it's the region of the retina that has no rods or cones the blind spot
#3974, aired 2001-12-06DOC TALK $200: A doctor should check your BP, this vital sign blood pressure
#3974, aired 2001-12-06DOC TALK $400: A complaint of S.O.B. means shortness of this breath
#3974, aired 2001-12-06DOC TALK $600: If you have a GSW, you have this type of wound (& get to a hospital, quick!) gunshot wound
#3974, aired 2001-12-06DOC TALK $800: It's the C in a C-section Caesarean
#3974, aired 2001-12-06DOC TALK $1000: AMA can mean "against" this medical advice
#3046, aired 1997-11-24DOC TALK $100: This emergency room term is short for a Latin term meaning "immediately" Stat (Statim)
#3046, aired 1997-11-24DOC TALK $200: Meaning a feeding apparatus, IV stands for this Intravenously
#3046, aired 1997-11-24DOC TALK $300: Acute, meaning sudden & brief, is the opposite of this term that means persistent Chronic
#3046, aired 1997-11-24DOC TALK $400: DNR, used to contraindicate life-prolonging treatment, stands for this do not resuscitate
#3046, aired 1997-11-24DOC TALK $500: It's not a backup for a farm machine, but a device to pull back tissue so a surgeon can look inside you Retractor

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