Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (18 results returned)

#6, aired 2022-10-30DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY IN AMERICA $300: Visit Pineapple Fountain & Fort Sumter when you go to Charleston, which, no, is not the capital of this "Original 13" state South Carolina
#6, aired 2022-10-30DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY IN AMERICA $600: Enjoy Capitol Street & Capitol Market in Charleston, which, yes, is the capital of this state that was admitted in 1863 West Virginia
#6, aired 2022-10-30DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY IN AMERICA $900: Even in summer, you can visit Santa & his reindeer in the Hamlet called this in Essex County, New York North Pole
#6, aired 2022-10-30DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY IN AMERICA $1,000 (Daily Double): In 1802 Congress passed the act establishing the U.S. Military Academy at this site on the banks of the Hudson West Point
#6, aired 2022-10-30DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY IN AMERICA $1500: Don't fuggedabout this 16-mile-long body of water separating Brooklyn & Manhattan; Rikers Island is there the East River
#8545, aired 2021-12-31DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $400: It contains the geographic center of the North American continent: North ____ North Dakota
#8545, aired 2021-12-31DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $800: Barbados & Grenada are part of this chain: the West ____ Indies
#8545, aired 2021-12-31DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $1200: Part of this body of water lies between the Philippines & Vietnam: the South ____ ____ the South China Sea
#8545, aired 2021-12-31DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $1600: This nation is at the furthest end of the Malay archipelago: East ____ Timor
#8545, aired 2021-12-31DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $2000: Juba is the capital of this country that came into being in 2011: South ____ Sudan
#1081, aired 1989-04-24DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $200: The Mississippi River generally flows in this direction south
#1081, aired 1989-04-24DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $400: The western side of this state borders on the Gulf of Mexico Florida
#1081, aired 1989-04-24DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $600: It's the southernmost of Canada's provinces Ontario
#1081, aired 1989-04-24DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $800: It's the northernmost Scandinavian country & the only one with an Arctic coast Norway
#1081, aired 1989-04-24DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $1000: The southernmost national capital in the world is this island country's New Zealand
#751, aired 1987-12-07DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $200: It's the southernmost country in Central America Panama
#751, aired 1987-12-07DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $400: This Hawaiian island is not only farthest south & east, but closest to the U.S. mainland Hawaii
#751, aired 1987-12-07DIRECTIONAL GEOGRAPHY $500 (Daily Double): 2 of the 3 Communist countries which form most of Greece's northern border (2 of) Bulgaria, Yugoslavia or Albania

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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