Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#5118, aired 2006-12-06 | DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES $400: A throat culture shows if you have this kind of sore "throat", an infection caused by certain bacteria strep |
#5118, aired 2006-12-06 | DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES $800: A DEXA scan measures bone density to screen for this disorder in which bones become porous & brittle osteoporosis |
#5118, aired 2006-12-06 | DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES $1200: Doppler ultrasound of these large arteries in the neck can be used to evaluate the risk of a stroke the carotids |
#5118, aired 2006-12-06 | DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES $2,000 (Daily Double): It's the "P" in PFT, a function test that measures air capacity, among other things pulmonary |
#5118, aired 2006-12-06 | DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES $2000: This imaging procedure doesn't use radiation; it uses radio waves, a large magnet & a computer to generate images an MRI |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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