Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9234, aired 2024-12-26 | DESTINY'S OTHER CHILDREN $200: Hardeen, whose exploits are advertised here, had this more famous brother in the same line of work Houdini |
#9234, aired 2024-12-26 | DESTINY'S OTHER CHILDREN $400: Last name of Katharine, seen here; an educator & suffragist, she became a celebrity like her two brothers Wright |
#9234, aired 2024-12-26 | DESTINY'S OTHER CHILDREN $800: Last name of Ed, a Western lawman with his brother Bat; Ed was killed by a drunken cowboy at age 25 Masterson |
#9234, aired 2024-12-26 | DESTINY'S OTHER CHILDREN $1000: The career of this actor was going great guns until April 14, 1865, when his brother took center stage; he'd retire temporarily Edwin Booth |
#9234, aired 2024-12-26 | DESTINY'S OTHER CHILDREN $2,400 (Daily Double): There's a reason you don't hear much about the 5th century ruler Bleda; this meaner brother & co-ruler offed him in 445 Attila the Hun |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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