Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#8335, aired 2021-02-12 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $200: Being super-enthusiastic in your desire to get something done, like the proverbial beaver eager |
#8335, aired 2021-02-12 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $400: Get rid of the "E" in "E.T." & you have this adjective for the Earth terrestrial |
#8335, aired 2021-02-12 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $600: Paranormal, or a TV show that aired its finale in 2020 after 15 years on the air supernatural |
#8335, aired 2021-02-12 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $800: This 14-letter adjective refers to the space between, say, Mars & Neptune interplanetary |
#8335, aired 2021-02-12 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $1000: With a prefix meaning "against", it describes an event that turns out to have much less drama than expected anticlimactic |
#8225, aired 2020-05-29 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $400: There are a limited number of I's--3--in this word meaning endless... or unlimited...or... infinite |
#8225, aired 2020-05-29 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $800: This adjective meaning warmly appreciative is in the name of Bob Weir's band grateful |
#8225, aired 2020-05-29 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $1600: If you're this "fallacy" of attributing emotions to objects, you're this, & there's no "em-" at the start of the word pathetic |
#8225, aired 2020-05-29 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $2000: Though it sounds like 5 things you really require, it actually describes the perfect embodiment of something quintessential |
#8225, aired 2020-05-29 | DESCRIBING THE ADJECTIVE $3,456 (Daily Double): Desolate & raw, or a title description of a novel "House" with Ada Clarek bleak |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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