Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#1908, aired 1992-12-16DECEMBER 1969 $100: On December 15, 1969, this Israeli prime minister presented her new cabinet to the Knesset Golda Meir
#1908, aired 1992-12-16DECEMBER 1969 $200: Gen. Torrijos was removed as this country's strongman on Dec. 15th & was restored on the 16th Panama
#1908, aired 1992-12-16DECEMBER 1969 $300: On December 1, 1969 the U.S. held the first one of these since 1942; September 14 was drawn first a selective service lottery (or draft lottery)
#1908, aired 1992-12-16DECEMBER 1969 $400: This rich Texan took 2 planes to N. Vietnam loaded with gifts for U.S. P.O.W.s but wasn't let in Ross Perot
#1908, aired 1992-12-16DECEMBER 1969 $500 (Daily Double): The Nobel prize in this category was awarded for the first time & was won by a Norwegian & a Dutchman economics

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