Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2844, aired 1997-01-02DANCE, MYTH & LEGEND $200: Martha Graham's "Night Journey" tells the tragic tale of Jocasta & this "complex" man, her mate Oedipus
#2844, aired 1997-01-02DANCE, MYTH & LEGEND $400: The ballet "Apollo" features Polyhymnia, Terpsichore & Calliope, 3 of these 9 sister-goddesses Muses
#2844, aired 1997-01-02DANCE, MYTH & LEGEND $600: In a Michel Fokine ballet, this heroine, Daphnis' beloved, is kidnapped by pirates Chloe
#2844, aired 1997-01-02DANCE, MYTH & LEGEND $800: A cigarette poster depicting this Egyptian goddess inspired Ruth St. Denis to specialize in Oriental dance Isis
#2844, aired 1997-01-02DANCE, MYTH & LEGEND $1000: Maria Tallchief played this mythological wife in her husband George Balanchine's ballet "Orpheus" Eurydice

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