Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8216, aired 2020-05-18DA, YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN $400: A Russian monarch, or an American policy expert appointed by the government to tackle a particular problem a czar
#8216, aired 2020-05-18DA, YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN $1200: These thin pancakes are similar to crepes & traditionally made with buckwheat flour & served with sour cream blinis
#8216, aired 2020-05-18DA, YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN $1600: Meaning "set of three", it's also a wagon or sleigh pulled by 3 horses a troika
#8216, aired 2020-05-18DA, YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN $2,000 (Daily Double): Also called the great sturgeon, this species lends its name to a type of caviar beluga
#8216, aired 2020-05-18DA, YOU SPEAK RUSSIAN $2000: This word borrowed from Russian refers to the influential educated social & political classes intelligentsia

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