Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5800, aired 2009-11-27CYCLE BABBLE $400: "Brain bucket" is a slang term for this piece of gear a helmet
#5800, aired 2009-11-27CYCLE BABBLE $800: The most coveted prize in the Tour de France is the maillot jaune, a jersey of this color yellow
#5800, aired 2009-11-27CYCLE BABBLE $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Trek Bicycle Corporation in Wisconsin.) I'm at Trek Bikes with the most popular frame design the diamond, or double this shape; it hasn't changed much since the 1880s & gives the bike its strength triangle
#5800, aired 2009-11-27CYCLE BABBLE $1600: Often called the race of truth, it can be for the whole team or just one cyclist against the clock a time trial
#5800, aired 2009-11-27CYCLE BABBLE $2000: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an animation on the monitor.) In order to cut wind resistance, a cyclist may use this air pocket to draft on another rider, saving about 30% of his energy the slipstream

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