Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4328, aired 2003-05-28CUTE, FURRY & DEADLY $200: There was a farmer, had a wild Aussie dog that could weigh up to around 45 lbs. & this was its name-o dingo
#4328, aired 2003-05-28CUTE, FURRY & DEADLY $400: In Yellowstone's history only 4 have died from attacks by this animal, Ursus arctos horriblis grizzly bear
#4328, aired 2003-05-28CUTE, FURRY & DEADLY $600: Usually bubonic plague is transmitted by fleas from this animal that comes in Norway & black varieties rat
#4328, aired 2003-05-28CUTE, FURRY & DEADLY $800: It's the mascot for a Major League Baseball team, Louisiana State University & a breakfast cereal tiger
#4328, aired 2003-05-28CUTE, FURRY & DEADLY $1000: On "SNL", "immigrant" John Belushi learned to say, "I would like to feed your fingertips to" this Michigan "glutton" wolverine

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