Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5796, aired 2009-11-23CURRENT BLACK PRESIDENTS $200: Africa's oldest democracy, this nation headed by Pres. Ian Khama is mainly made up of the Tswana people Botswana
#5796, aired 2009-11-23CURRENT BLACK PRESIDENTS $400: Taking over from his assassinated father in 2001, Joseph Kabila is the president of this country abbreviated D.R.C. the Democratic Republic of the Congo
#5796, aired 2009-11-23CURRENT BLACK PRESIDENTS $600 (Daily Double): President Laurent Gbagbo heads this country that goes by its French name most of the time Côte d'Ivoire (the Ivory Coast)
#5796, aired 2009-11-23CURRENT BLACK PRESIDENTS $600: Troubles with neighboring Somalia & Eritrea surely occupy President Girma Woldegiorgis of this country Ethiopia
#5796, aired 2009-11-23CURRENT BLACK PRESIDENTS $1000: President Amadou Toure has led this Saharan nation with a 4-letter name since 2002 Mali

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