Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9235, aired 2024-12-27CUPS & GLASSES $200: It's a cylindrical glass cup with an acrobatic name; back in the day, it had a pointed bottom & couldn't be set down without it rolling a tumbler
#9235, aired 2024-12-27CUPS & GLASSES $400: Rather than regular glasses, many hip bars use this type of canning jar named for a 19th century American tinsmith a Mason jar
#9235, aired 2024-12-27CUPS & GLASSES $600: This Toby Keith song is named for a beer pong perennial invented by Robert L. Hulseman "Red Solo Cup"
#9235, aired 2024-12-27CUPS & GLASSES $800: In the late 12th century, Robert de Boron drew from the Gospel of Nicodemus to tell the tale of this holy vessel the Grail
#9235, aired 2024-12-27CUPS & GLASSES $1000: This type of glass bears the name of a cocktail made with lemon juice, sugar & fizzy water a collins glass

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