Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6698, aired 2013-10-30CULTURE AROUND THE WORLD $400: This museum's original holdings consisted of art collected by the Hapsburg & Bourbon monarchs of Spain the Prado
#6698, aired 2013-10-30CULTURE AROUND THE WORLD $1200: In 1953 the Shakespeare Festival in this Ontario, Canada city held its first performance Stratford
#6698, aired 2013-10-30CULTURE AROUND THE WORLD $1600: This form of Japanese drama that incorporates music, dance & mime developed in the 1600s kabuki
#6698, aired 2013-10-30CULTURE AROUND THE WORLD $2,000 (Daily Double): Drawing from the name of our motion picture capital, it's the name for India's movie industry Bollywood
#6698, aired 2013-10-30CULTURE AROUND THE WORLD $2000: Originated by 2 high schoolers in 1971 , the Roskilde culture & music festival in this country is one of Europe's largest Denmark

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