Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8482, aired 2021-10-05CULT MOVIES $400: The wild musical fun of this cult classic features Meat Loaf, Susan Sarandon & Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter Rocky Horror Picture Show
#8482, aired 2021-10-05CULT MOVIES $800: A moody crime drama involving a robbery gone wrong, "The Drop" stars this TV mob boss in his final film Gandolfini
#8482, aired 2021-10-05CULT MOVIES $1200: An angry girlfriend, a mutant baby & a man with big hair all add up to "Eraserhead", this surreal director's first feature film Lynch
#8482, aired 2021-10-05CULT MOVIES $1600: Visions of a man in a strange rabbit suit convince Jake Gyllenhaal to commit dangerous crimes in this film Donnie Darko
#8482, aired 2021-10-05CULT MOVIES $2000: "Tell Your Children" was an alternate title of this 1936 film that purports to show the dangers of using marijuana Reefer Madness

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