Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8954, aired 2023-10-19CULINARY QUOTES $200: Fran Lebowitz jokingly said, "My favorite animal is" this, but she didn't specify porterhouse or T-bone a steak
#8954, aired 2023-10-19CULINARY QUOTES $400: This breakfast goody has been described as "an unsweetened doughnut with rigor mortis" a bagel
#8954, aired 2023-10-19CULINARY QUOTES $600: Mark Twain said that cauliflower "is nothing but" this vegetable "with a college education" cabbage
#8954, aired 2023-10-19CULINARY QUOTES $800: This president said, "You can tell a lot about a fellow's character" by his way of eating jellybeans Reagan
#8954, aired 2023-10-19CULINARY QUOTES $1000: Thackeray's "Ballad of" this dish calls it "a sort of soup or broth... or hotchpotch of all sorts of fishes" bouillabaisse
#4565, aired 2004-06-11CULINARY QUOTES $200: Fran Lebowitz jokingly said, "My favorite animal is" this, but she didn't specify Porterhouse or T-bone steak
#4565, aired 2004-06-11CULINARY QUOTES $400: This breakfast goody has been described as "an unsweetened doughnut with rigor mortis" a bagel
#4565, aired 2004-06-11CULINARY QUOTES $600: Mark Twain said that cauliflower "is nothing but" this vegetable "with a college education" cabbage
#4565, aired 2004-06-11CULINARY QUOTES $800: Woody Allen says he won't eat this shellfish because "I want my food dead. Not sick, not wounded, dead" oysters
#4565, aired 2004-06-11CULINARY QUOTES $1,200 (Daily Double): Thackeray's "Ballad of" this dish calls it "A sort of soup or broth... or hotchpotch of all sorts of fishes" bouillabaisse

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