Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3353, aired 1999-03-17CROATIAN POTPOURRI $200: Toni Kukoc of Croatia gained fame in the U.S. in this sport Basketball
#3353, aired 1999-03-17CROATIAN POTPOURRI $300 (Daily Double): Rijeka, Split & Dubrovnik are Croatian ports on this sea Adriatic Sea
#3353, aired 1999-03-17CROATIAN POTPOURRI $400: Croatia is located in the northwestern portion of this peninsula Balkan Peninsula
#3353, aired 1999-03-17CROATIAN POTPOURRI $600: A popular dish in Croatia is a veal cutlet concoction named for this capital city Zagreb
#3353, aired 1999-03-17CROATIAN POTPOURRI $1000: Serbian in heritage but born in Croatia, he invented the first practical A.C. generator Nikola Tesla

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