Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#4031, aired 2002-02-25CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $200: Ice can refer to diamonds; chill can mean to do this, maybe with a lawnmower (a machine gun) to kill
#4031, aired 2002-02-25CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $400: The 4 techniques a "blacksmith" uses to crack one of these are blow, burn, peel & punch a safe
#4031, aired 2002-02-25CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $600: To tap a till is to take money out of one of these a cash register
#4031, aired 2002-02-25CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $800: Mr. Bates, the apple or the mark are terms for the victims in these "games" con games
#4031, aired 2002-02-25CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $1000: A spinner in a car theft ring is the man who sets back these the odometer
#1270, aired 1990-02-23CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $100: To run money illegally gained through legitimate business enterprises money laundering
#1270, aired 1990-02-23CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $200: Members of Murder, Inc. used this term for an assignment to murder someone a contract
#1270, aired 1990-02-23CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $300: Somebody pinned this moniker on Charles Luciano "Lucky"
#1270, aired 1990-02-23CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $400: Phrase that probably came from being sent to Sing Sing, which is on the Hudson north of NYC up the river
#1270, aired 1990-02-23CRIMINAL CONVERSATION $500: Amount of money in 2 "G"s, a "C note" & a "fin" 2,105

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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